What we Believe

We believe in beauty products that originate from God-given resources.

A beauty regimen does not have to be confusing or time-consuming when using simple yet powerful ingredients. For our product line, we have done the research and collected the necessary information for you to feel confident knowing each product is safe, effective, and nourishing while penetrating your natural skin barrier.

With the skin being the largest organ, our standards aim high to bring you the most natural ingredients found in the bountiful earth that God has provided for us. This is why we have chosen to create Chosen Beauty with all organic ingredients with no endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are found in most of today's skincare and cosmetic lines. Our ingredients allow your skin to flourish instead of creating hormonal imbalances which can cause an unhealthy skin cycle. In addition, our research shows that several of the natural components that we included in our product were used in biblical days.

Your body is the Holy Spirit's temple to be used for His glory. Because of these truths, we look forward to helping you age gracefully by encouraging you to take care of yourself spiritually, mentally, and physically so that you can walk fully in your God-given purpose with confidence. As people who are chosen by God with His Spirit within us, we wholeheartedly stand by our product.




Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. - Proverbs 31:30


Meet the Founders

Co-founders Arye and Tamee met in their mid 20s where they immediately bonded over their love for Christ, a shared adventurous spirit, healthy lifestyle choices, and heart for serving the community. Since then, they have been walking together, season after season, in a Godly sisterhood built on truth alone.

Through an intentional relationship with Jesus they have became passionate about the body and helping women thrive through the best God given resources on earth.